Why a Desktop Is More Desirable over a Laptop for Streaming

Desktop or PC – this is a dilemma which has faced many people in different circles of life. Many however have gravitated towards the PC owing to its mobility. The PC is something which internet users can take from one place to another with ease. This may be from home to the workplace or school.

Well, while the PC has certainly won the hearts of many, there is one specific field where the PC finds itself inferior to the desktop.

The area we are talking about here is the gaming arena or more specifically, the live streaming gaming arena. Why is this the case many may be wondering. Well, to learn why this is the case, just space a few moments of your time to check out the desktop’s pros over the PC.

Power and Performance

When it comes to streaming, the two most important requirements needed from any device you intend to use are power and performance.

Streaming is an activity which is power intensive as well as demanding when it comes to device performance. Owing to this, desktop computers are the go-to devices as they generally come with faster processors, better graphics capabilities as well as more RAM.

This essentially means when using a desktop, you don’t have to constantly check to see if the device’s specs are compatible with those of the game you intend to play. You will almost be certain that you are good to go with your desktop.

Easily Supports Multi-Monitor Setups

At times, especially in contemporary times, many top streamers including Nomadi have embraced Twitch simulcast functionality as it helps them to broadcast across several platforms at once. For the simulcast functionality to work smoothly and seamlessly, there is a need to connect multiple monitors at once.

Owing to their larger physical size and multiple video outputs, desktop computers are more suited to multi-monitor setups than laptops. Well, having mentioned the streamer Nomadi, we just want to say that those willing to see some of Nomadi’s streams can do so when they record nomadi broadcasts and view all the action at a convenient time.

Comfort and Ergonomics

Streaming comes out smoothly and better when the streamer is streaming from a comfortable position. To be comfortable when streaming, the streamer should be able to conveniently change positions as and when it's necessary. This is only possible when using a desktop.

A desktop setup allows the streamer to comfortably set up his or her ergonomic chair, desk and accessories in a comfortable way. A PC on the other hand compromises on ergonomics as it gravitates more towards portability.

Guaranteed Duration of Gaming Equipment

By design, all the constituent components of a PC are stacked together in one compartment. When using the PC for demanding tasks such as streaming, the components inside the PC will work more than intended (by design) hence leading to problems such as overheating.

If used for a long time, this may in turn lead to the fast deterioration of the PC. However, this isn’t the case with the desktop as the components of the desktop are all spaced apart.